Monday, January 21, 2008

Little Nugget!

Taylor is so busy these days...loves her walker, her jump,jump and keeps us laughing! Each day is filled with surprises and she simply finds delight in the smallest things. I love it!


Melissa Stephenson said...

Hey guys - It's the Fox Dog from BU. Jenn, only met you a few times but I was friends with Ryan way back in the Biola era =) Anyway, got your blog off of Hartmans and Kennedys and wanted to say hi. Your little girl looks like a total sweet-heart and good to see you are all well!!!

jules said...

no no no, i refuse to believe that this is the little bundle of joy that i say not that long ago. the same bundle that only wanted mommy and still needed to be held up while on the floor, or when she could only lay on her back. it is so sad to know that i can't be there for this little bundle, that i love so much, to grow up. tell her auntie julia loves her and will hopefully see her in a couple months. much much love