Saturday, August 30, 2008

I cant mind keeps repeating something that a paramedic said to me while I was in the ambulance back when i had my accident. He said," I had nails in my eyes and I can see, you will see again". I keep thinking what is this Lord? I am so utterly grateful for my eyesight and I give you all the praise, but why are you bringing this sentence to mind that i cant get it out of my head tonight! It has been a few nights now that I have struggled to fall asleep. I have been wanting to write a book for years now about my journey threw getting burned and the scars that are left behind as a reminder. how do I begin to write a book?


Elizabeth said...

Yes, I think you definitely need to write a book. I LOVE your story. I say you do it WITH someone who loves to write, unless you love to write. Do you know any talented writers?

Eric and Meg said...

how do you get started you said... well my thoughts:
you pray.
you open your heart.
open your mind.
just start jotting what ever comes to mind. God will give you the words to say...
eric has told me about your journey and it has been an inspiration to me. helps me see things through a different lens. god can really use you! i know He already has!
p.s. on a side note: we loved seeing you guys at disneyland! :)