Saturday, July 12, 2008

I dont know if anyone else has those blah days where you just feel tired and sick and desire to just rest...I know im not the only one! But the last 2 days I have being feeling so blah! Well, Ryan and I in the midst of wanting to sleep this morning had a huge scare! Taylor had been down for her mornin nap when we heard her wake up, started talkin, and then we heard a huge thump...we ran in to find her on the floor...screaming! She had fallin out of her crib!!! After a minute of all 3 of us crying, calling both parents, and taking her to the doctors, Tay is ok! There is something to just start your day with! Needless to say we are out of our blahness and more awake then ever! We also lowered her crib for cryin out loud!


Nicole Gniffke said...

how sacrry... glad to hear tay is ok.

hey do you and ryan need a date night? let me know.

and we need to hang out some time.

we had so much fun with you guys in mexico

Elizabeth said...

I was having a few blah days too, should have called you. Mark and I both have been feeling a little attack. So scary, but glad taylor is okay, she is a tough lil one. See you this week?

Wallace said...

poor taylor (and you guys!)!! that girl is a little monkey... crawling all over her crib trying to escape! i'm glad she's ok. wallace is excited to see her on sunday at his party!